Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Preschool Story Time

Today I tried something new with the kiddos and it went great! My 4 children love it when I put them to bed at night with an imaginative story. These are always a bit crazy and fun and of course they end happily ever after! Today I took that idea, rolled out the butcher paper and drew the story out for the kids while I told it. Then they got to color it after we were all done. They LOVED it!!! Here are some pictures.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

N is for Nature

This week we have been focusing on the Letter N. It has been so much fun! On Tuesday we read a Groundhog story called Who Will See Their Shadow This Year by Jerry Pallotta. I found dry erase small boards at target with pens for $1! So we used those to practice writing the letter N.

We also went on a nature scavenger hunt. I gave the children a list with a bag. We went into the backyard and spent time collecting our items. The kids loved this!

After snack time we made egg carton caterpillars. I took an 18 count egg carton and cut it into 3 egg holder pieces. Then I had the children fill each egg slot with dirt and sprinkle them with grass seeds. Then we used a dropper to give them water. Each day of preschool the kids will water them and watch them grow into furry caterpillars.

Today we did a great craft that I found on family fun. We went outside and collected rocks, washed them then baked them at 350 for 20 minutes. Here is the link. They turned out so pretty!

We ended class with freeze dance! Always a favorite!